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1. Kaos Putih:
Anak ( 0-6 thn) = Rp 79 rb
Dewasa S - L = Rp 99 rb
2. Kaos Warna:
Anak (0-6 thn) = Rp 99 rb
Dewasa S - L = Rp 149 rb
XL - XXXL = tambah 15rb
3. Lengan Panjang +Rp10rb
4. Raglan (2tone colors, lengan 3/4) harga Rp 110rb.
100% Katun Combed Asli Halus Adem Berkualitas
Bisa Request kaos warna lain
FREE Request Gambar/desain/nama/tulisan
Potongan Unisex (cowo-cewe), Slim Ladies, V-neck, Lengan Panjang, Raglan(two tone colors, lengan 3/4)
Jahitan rapi, standard ekspor
Kualitas Gambar OKE BANGET !! (Lihat hasil gambar tajam persis contoh gambar)
Diskon khusus reseller WOW!!
Langsung hubungi kami, karena kami produsen langsung kaos Tee and Tee
Contact Us,
Kaos Tee and Tee
Pin BBM :5adc7b76
Whatsapp : 0821-139-89-527
Line ID : kaosteeandtee
Instagram : kaosteeandtee
Email : teeandteeclothing@gmail.com
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